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Thanks for booking a workshop at Studio By The Bay.

PAY WITH INSTALMENTS- Please note all guests need to make payment of 3 instalments before the workshop date. These 3 payments total to one adult ticket valued at $220 pp.

Up to an additional 9 adult tickets can be purchased up to a week prior to the workshop. These also can be purchased below. The event organiser may choose to pay for all remaining tickets themselves or they can send this page to each participant and ask they pay individually. 

A minimum of 5 tickets will need to be purchased in order for the workshop to go ahead.

A maximum of 10 tickets can be purchased in total.

Do I need any experience?

Not at all!
Come along and let Simone guide you through the creative process.
These workshops are always relaxed and slow, intended to create a calm environment where you can work at your own pace. Simone has the right balance between giving you guidance and letting you explore & express your own creativity.

What to bring?

Hat/ Jacket ( if weather permits, workshop may be held in the garden space)
An apron is optional

What's included in my ticket?

All materials. Guests usually make 1-2 pieces in that time.
Transportation to kiln where your work will be fired twice.
Glazing of work in white satin. My signature glaze.
LUNCH- you will enjoy a sit down meal, inspired by fresh, local produce
Wine, bubbles, tea and coffee

When can I collect my work?

Work needs to dry completely before being fired. This can take up to 1 week.
Work will be available within 3-5 weeks for workshop date.
You will be contacted via email or mobile when work can be collected from Studio by the Bay.

What if my work breaks or cracks during the drying/firing process?

A lot of time and care goes into the drying and firing process to ensure your hand-made pieces come out beautifully the other end.
Please note that the nature of clay can be unpredictable at times and on rare occasions, items can crack or break.
This is all part of the beautiful, fragile art of ceramics.

Refunds & Exchanges

Unfortunately we are unable to refund a workshop ticket, however you are more than welcome to send a friend along in your place.
Please email if you have any other questions